Consumer Law

The customer is not always right. However, there are many laws which strengthen the rights of consumers.

Below are some laws which are important for consumers.

Terms act

It is forbidden to use conditions of agreement (contract terms) which unilaterally benefit the seller at the expense of the consumer. This covers, for example, unfair terms in sale and rental contracts, guarantees and order forms.

Distance and doorstep sales act

This act applies when private individuals buy via postal orders, the Internet, the telephone or other remote purchases. Even home insurance is included in this act, which among other things, regulates what information the salesperson shall provide the customer with, how the customer can cancel the purchase and how much time the customer has to do so. When consumers purchase financial services, there is a 30-day return policy and when the consumer purchases common goods and services, a 14-day return policy applies.

E-Commerce law

This law applies to trading via the Internet and applies to both business and consumers. The law includes, besides other things, the requirement that the consumer has access to the terms of conditions as well as information regarding the technical steps required to make an agreement.

Consumer purchase law

This law applies when a private individual buys from a business, for example, a shop. The law includes, among other things, the consumer’s rights when a product is faulty or there is a delayed delivery.

Consumer credit act

This act guarantees that the consumer should know the real cost of buying on credit, for example, bank loans, hire purchases or credit accounts. The available forms of credit should be able to be compared with each other and with cash payment.

Consumer service act

This act applies when a private individual allows services to be carried out on something that he or she owns, for example, when you get the car repaired or hiring the services of a tradesman. The law is the consumer’s protection, for instance, when it comes to repairs, carpentry and painting in your home. It can also apply to storage, for example, if your fur coat which was stored during the summer has been stolen.

Financial advice to consumers’ law

The law regarding financial advice to consumers regulates how companies operate when they give you advice where to invest your money. Amongst other things, the advisor must have sufficient competence and all advice given should be documented.

Marketing act

The advertisement’s statements and promises should be true, and the seller should be able to prove that they are. Misleading and unjustified advertisements can be prohibited.

Package travel act

According to the law, the travel agent is responsible that the information in catalogues and brochures is clear and understandable. There should be information regarding the price, destinations, transport, accommodation, meals, itineraries, payment conditions, etc.

Travel guarantee act

This act applies to package travel or transport in connection with package travel. The law is designed to set a minimum level of protection if your trip does not eventuate for one reason or another, for example, if the travel agency has been declared bankrupt.

Force majeure responsibility

Pricing act

The pricing act makes requirements ensuring that the consumer receives the correct and clear pricing regarding products. This law is a so-called framework law, which will be complemented and clarified with additional regulations and agreements with trade organisations.

The product safety act

This Act protects consumers from dangerous goods and services. Only safe goods and services may be sold. Dangerous goods and services can be prohibited by the Konsumentverket (Swedish Consumer Agency).

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